Who We Are ... What We Do
The Plateau PC Users Group is a non-profit organization of computer users designed to assist residents of Crossville, Tennessee and the surrounding area to become better acquainted with their computers, software and peripherals. The organization provides a forum for discussion of personal computing issues and help in solving computer- and Internet-related problems, while providing education and support to its members.
Our Meetings: Our monthly meetings feature a presentation on a popular personal computing topic followed by an open-ended Question and Answer session. This meeting is held at the Christ Lutheran Church in Fairfield Glade on the Second Tuesday of each month, starting at 3pm .
Click for a map.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 2025 3pm
The Plateau PC Users Group (PPCUG) will meet at Christ Lutheran Church, corner of Snead and Lakeview in Fairfield Glade. The meeting will start at 3 PM. The regular question and answer session will follow the main presentation at 4 PM. Map to location
Joyce Rorabaugh of the Cumberland County Archives will present on the use of computers for genealogy study and resources.
Our Resources:
Monthly Newsletter: Published January - November each year. Contains interesting articles on personal computing and PPCUG information. Link
Monthly Q&A sessions: a part of our monthly meeting where attendees can ask questions and (hopefully) get answers from PPCUG members.
Monthly Meetings: The regular monthly meetings held January - November, include a presentation on a current computing topic. If you can't attend a meeting one month, you can usually find a copy of the presenters handout or slide show on our website.