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About Us


The "PPCUG" is composed of about 100 members from the Cumberland County area of middle Tennessee.  Because this is a very popular retirement area, most of our members have come from some other part of the country.  This diversity adds to our group and the varied experience levels of our members makes it even richer.  We are a member of the Association of PC Users Groups (APCUG) and benefit from their tech conferences and speakers bureau besides drawing from the experience and knowledge of our own members.


  • Personal Networking:  Informal discussions and friendships can expand your horizon and help you with computing problems

  • Educational Opportunities:  We offer formal classes, workshops and Special Interest Groups and monthly meeting topics.  All of these can help you expand your computer knowledge or practice your computing skills.

  • Website: Our website is not a static thing. You can download the handouts from our monthly presentations, use our great Internet links, visit our blogs on Tablets/Smart Phones and Windows 10 and more.  Our monthly newsletters, including many past issues, can be downloaded.  Our online calendar can keep you posted on events, classes and the like.

  • Newsletter:  We publish a multi-page newsletter, the PPCUG Gazette each month.  Hard copies are distributed at the monthly meetings.  The current and many past issues are available to download from our website. 

  • Community Service: We donate used equipment to organizations who then re-use it in their programs. Many of our members use their computer skills to assist other service organizations in our community.

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